Grace Lutheran Church, ELCA


Tuesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve
5:00 PM at Hope in Mineral Point
7:00 PM at Grace in Darlington - Candlelight Service

Plan now to keep worship the center of Christmas. Reach out and invite your friends and extended family to join you for worship with time together before or after!

Sunday, December 31 – First Sunday of Christmas 9:00 AM – at Hope in Mineral Point
We look forward to a Christmas Hymn-Sing, as well as a special New Year’s Blessing of individuals and households.

We continue with our NEW Sunday Worship Schedule:

9:00AM Joint Worship Service followed by Refresh, Food and Fellowship for All Ages
1st and 3rd Sundays are at Hope Lutheran, Mineral Point (555 Commerce St.)
2nd and 4th Sundays are at Grace Lutheran, Darlington (1302 Clay St.)
5th Sundays (December 29th) is at Hope Lutheran

*Offering plates for both churches will be available at each locaiton
*Consider the fun of carpooling :)

*****Cancelling Worship In the case of inclement weather or other situation where in-person or worship in general is determined to be cancelled, a notice will be made by 8:00 am through email, our “individual” Facebook page, WDMP (D99.3), WEKZ (97.3), and Channel 3.******

We Welcome You!

If you are a guest, a special welcome to you! You are welcome to join us at a distance or in-person, thank you for the gift of your presence with us!

For your safety and for the care of our community, we ask participants to maintain 6' physical distance whenever possible from people who are not members of your immediate household or part of your family circle. Masks are no longer required, however we recommend if you have not had the vaccine or are immune compromised. Remember to help by keeping your hands cleaned and sanitized. Thank you for your consideration.

Prayer requests can also be made to Pastor Kate via email or phone call.

Offerings: In thanksgiving to God for the maintenance and mission of this church and God’s greater mission in this community and world, offerings may be placed in the offering plate upon entering the worship space. You can also mail your offering to: Grace Lutheran Church, 1302 Clay St. Darlington, WI 53530

Thank you for the gift of your presence!