Grace Lutheran Church, ELCA

Grace people seek a Christian outlook on life.
Sunday worship gives us time to reflect on the week past and be renewed for the week ahead. God's Word inspires us. Jesus' table refreshes us. In a world that can seem hopeless, we find hope in our baptism into Christ.

Holy Communion
Grace people celebrate holy communion every Sunday. It is Jesus' table around which we gather and Jesus promises to give forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation to all who eat or drink. Children who have not yet communed are invited to come forward for a blessing.

The church expects that parents or other adults responsible for a child's nurture in faith are already active and regular participants in a specific congregation. In the baptismal service, parents promise that they will bring their child to worship regularly with the people of Grace. In turn, the people of Grace Lutheran voice their support of the newly baptized as they join the church's mission in service to the world.
Not only does baptism normally take place in public worship, but we also encourage families to schedule the baptism of their child on important days in the church year that connect with baptism: the Baptism of Our Lord (January), Easter Day (March-April), the Day of Pentecost (May-June), or All Saints Sunday (November).